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I strongly feel that with TRP goals which news agencies have they are behind painting a scary picture about the world around you. Anxiety makes you glued to what they say. There is enough data analytics and machine learning being employed to figure out what will excite you and what will invoke your ego, what will hurt your feelings. You are being categorised on various categories based on data analytics and news is filtered to make you anxious and vulnerable. Not sure how many are realising that he/she is in a trap.
For a long long time I am yet to see a good news which makes you happy and feel good in front page of a news paper. Does that mean all the goodness has sublimed out of this world. I do not believe so. Goodness still exist, but media fail to acknowledge it. It is true with the soap operas broadcasted by all channels, where what you see is morbid characters and pathos. Same psychology.... Trapping you with anxiety regarding characters.....
This is something I came across when I was reading some of the speeches delivered by our former President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam:
"I was in Tel Aviv once and I was reading the Israeli newspaper. It was the day after a lot of attacks and bombardments and deaths had taken place. The Hamas had struck. But the front page of the newspaper had the picture of a Jewish gentleman who in five years had transformed his desert into an orchid and a granary. It was this inspiring picture that everyone woke up to. The gory details of killings, bombardments, deaths, were inside in the newspaper, buried among other news."
Why is Indian media so negative? Reason is TRP and revenue is above nations well being for these channels. Except for good old Doordarshan, I hardly see any effort put by any of these channels to contribute to betterment of our beloved country. Doordarshan has Krishi darshan, education programmes, social awareness programmes still broadcasted. These programmes are for majority of citizens. Why do other channels not bother about these strata of the society. Simple!!! They will not help in selling goods through ads!!
Not sure how may of you have seen this website The Better India I keep getting notifications on my FB from this site which talks about positive stories. Goodness that exist in our society. About people who want to bring change, the true karma yogis. There are many other sites like this. These are alternate channel where you can read good news.
One thing I strongly believe in is, whatever you fill your mind with is what’s going to come out — garbage in, garbage out. If you want to be wise, you’ve got to feed every day on truth, not trash. Which means you got to be choosy on what you read, see or hear. Choice is entirely yours, and that will have impact on perspectives that you have and state of mind.
I do not watch news channels, in fact hardly watch TV. I read "The Hindu" and limit my reading to centre page and reviews. I am in a dormant state in social platforms like FB and WhatsApp :) :) :)
I am not against talking about things which are not going good. We have to talk about them, debate regarding them and discuss on what can be done to improve, prevent or obliterate them. But you should also speak about what is going good and show positivity. What is good for nation should be in fore front.
May wisdom prevail.......
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